Monday, April 12 | 9 am - 12 pm
(three-hour half-day class)

A2) Professionalism Always

Presented by Bill Gallagher, Founder, Trainer, and Instructor, TeamWorks


Class Description:

True Professionalism is not based on education, dress code or workplace changes. The core of the professional has more to do with attitude, respecting others views and differences in a non-judgmental way, developing healthy perspectives about yourself and others and realizing how your behavior, healthy or unhealthy, has an impact on those you work with and the public you serve.

The overall theme states:  "You can take the professional out of their setting and conveniences, but you can't take professionalism out of the true professional."

Learning Objectives:

  • Recapturing the joy of your job and avoiding burnout
  • Putting on your game face as a professional - Attitude is everything
  • Modeling healthy workplaces choices and a realistically positive perspective

Class Materials/Books to Reference: 

  • Paper and pencil for notetaking

Target Audience: 

  • Flexible for all employee positions or levels of management.

Level of Expertise:

  • Advanced

About our Presenter:

Bill Gallagher has been counseling and professionally working with people since 1980. His emphasis in the workplace is to help develop both relational skills and professional standards among administration and staff. Bill formed TeamWorks in 2001 to help organizations achieve their goals for establishing high morale and client satisfaction. He has worked in multiple organizational settings and of recent has spent most of his time addressing workplace issues in health care and city government. In addition to conducting a variety of workshops and in-services on workplace issues, he mediates conflict among partnerships and staff relationships, speaks at conventions, facilitates management retreats, and offers personal consultation and counseling for staff.

His strengths are in public speaking, mediation, and understanding the complexities of relational dynamics in the workplace. Bill lives in Medford, Oregon, with his wife Jenny, and delights in participating in the lives of their five children and five granddaughters.

ICC Preferred Provider Program Continuing Education Credit (ICC PPP CEUs):

OBOA is an approved International Code Council (ICC) Preferred Provider. The Preferred Provider Program recognizes and promotes ICC-approved educational offerings as they relate to codes, standards and guidelines, as well as building construction materials, products and methods. ICC certificate holders may obtain ICC CEUs from Preferred Providers that can be applied toward the renewal requirements of ICC’s certification program. It is the intent of OBOA that all classes offered at institutes will be approved for the Preferred Provider Program.

ICC PPP Approved Course | 0.3 CEUs

An ICC CEU is a continuing education unit; each 10 clock hours of continuing education equals 1 CEU. Our typical one-day seminar has 6 hours of instruction, or 0.6 CEUs. Credit is awarded for a variety of activities wherein the objective is achieving relevant professional knowledge beyond that required for initial certification. Participation in all OBOA courses are approved for International Code Council (ICC) certification renewal continuing education credits as noted for each class. Please check with your appropriate jurisdiction and/or institution regarding your specific continuing education credit needs.


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