About OBOA ...
Whether their title is Building Official, Inspector, Plan Reviewer, or Fire Marshal, their mission is the same: to prevent harm by ensuring compliance with building safety codes before a disaster occurs.
Prevention goes unnoticed by design and definition. Success is a non-event. First Preventers play a major role in saving lives, protecting property, and reducing recovery costs often borne by the public.
The purposes and objectives of this association are:
- To study and take action on all matters involving the welfare of the citizens of the State of Oregon which are of concern to, or the responsibility of, the Building Official, to represent the Building Officials in Building Code promulgation, and to investigate and take action in other matters at the direction of the membership.
- To place the public safety and welfare above all other interests and to apply the special knowledge and skill of Building Officials to the benefit of all humankind. To promote the recognition and importance of the Building Official's responsibility and the value and benefits of adequate code administration organizations.
- To help any municipality within the State of Oregon to evaluate, establish, monitor, or improve their code enforcement effort. To encourage the employment of adequately trained, properly supervised, equitably compensated code enforcement personnel.
- To develop, recommend and promote uniform regulations and legislation pertaining to building construction and encourage uniformity in code enforcement and interpretation.
- To review and research all proposed building, plumbing, electrical, mechanical and similar codes or legislation and proposed amendments thereto when deemed appropriate, and make each member aware of the implications of such codes, amendments, and legislation, and take an active Association position on such codes, amendments or legislation.
- To operate in harmony with and promote the purposes and objective of other specialty code-oriented chapters in Oregon without conflicting therewith.
- To advance the professional skills of those involved in the administration and enforcement of building laws.
Are you interested in learning more about becoming an inspector, plans examiner, permit tech or other building safety professional? Considering one of these great positions as a career path? We would love to hear from you!
Please give us a call at 503.691.6262 or email us -- we have several expert members who would be happy to provide some details and guidance. We would also welcome you as a guest to an upcoming OBOA event to meet and greet with our member professionals. Let's talk!
